Originally conceived by Dr Bruce Mesara in 1990 as a means to carry on his philanthropic efforts beyond his lifetime, the Mesara Family Foundation was re-envisioned by his two children Amy and Douglas in 2014, and received their 501(c)(3) status from the IRS in 2015. Amy and Douglas sought out the assistance of their cousins to build upon the charitable principals on their parents, aunts and uncles.
The foundation is headquartered in Kalamazoo Michigan.
Guiding Principles
The Guiding Principles of the Mesara Family Foundation govern all grant requests and subsequent giving. The Guiding Principles are: (1) All giving is with the intent of accomplishing positive change; (2) Each grant request will be examined individually on its merits and how it furthers the mission; (3) Grant monies shall be utilized in an effective and efficient manner; and (4) Grant monies shall not be given to political or faith based causes.
Douglas W. Mesara, Founder, Chair of the Board, President
Heather A. White, Director, Vice President / Treasurer
Jeffrey A. Pauch, Director, Vice President / Secretary
Gregory A. Pauch, Director
Nicol D. White, Director
Jane E. Blyth, Director of Operations